So, here I am. This year, I am taking the "technology plunge" and creating a media rich classroom blog for both myself and my students.
Describe your comfort level with technology.
I use it every day both in and outside my classroom. From my middle school Xanga blog, to my college Myspce days, and current Facebook and Blogger familiarity, I feel confident.
Explain how you currently fuse subject matter with technology in the classroom.
I incorporate the use of Epson projectors, power point, and online sources with every lesson. We explore artist sites and use notebook software to further enhance objectives. This school year, I will have an Elmo projector in my classroom, as well as access to Mac laptop carts, flash video devices, and of course, this blog!
Describe what you hope to achieve by taking this CEU course.
I want to build a blog that myself, my students, my parents, and my school community can use to gain access inside Ms. Murdock's classroom. I want my students to see what I am doing as an artist--my processes, findings and interests. I want to showcase student work and reflection.
Post 1: Check!